The Essential Books to get to know St. Joseph

In the midst of crisis, confusion, and a world at war with the Church, it's time to come home again to our spiritual father, St. Joseph. In this richly researched and lovingly presented program of consecration to St. Joseph, Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, brings to life the wonders, the power, and the ceaseless love of St. Joseph, Universal Patron of the Church and the Terror of Demons. 

Author: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC

A nine-day preparation for entrustment to St. Joseph.After the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is no saint in the Catholic Church who is more highly honoured than St. Joseph.Devotion to St. Joseph is meant to complement devotion to Our Lady. This little book will help readers learn more about the foster father of Jesus. It is also a guide for preparing readers to entrust themselves to St. Joseph. When we entrust ourselves to St. Joseph, we are imitating Jesus and Mary who entrusted themselves to this just man. Those who have a devotion to St. Joseph, like St. Faustina, "feel his special protection." St. Joseph was the protector and guardian of Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother. He is Protector of the Holy Church. He can also be our protector. My prayer is that through this booklet, you will find a friend in St. Joseph. 

Author: Fr. Mark Goring, CC

If you want to overcome fear – personal or societal – this is the book for you. In St. Joseph, fear does not have the last word. He experiences and lives the fullness of joy, with Jesus and Mary. Courage, audacity, heroism, and fortitude sparkle in each chapter of his life.

We can learn from St. Joseph’s life in 14 episodes drawn from Scripture in a manner that parallels the traditional devotion of the Stations of the Cross - the “Way of St. Joseph.” This book identifies the fears St. Joseph faced during those stations, exploring a perspective no author or saint has ever systematically addressed.

Author: Fr. Daniel Brandenburg, LC

There are few subjects so challenging" to authors as St. Joseph. So says scholar Scott Hahn in his foreword to this book. Yet the pages that follow give not merely glimpses, but vistas, of St. Joseph's world. Hahn continues: "You'll learn about Nazareth - and how it was created almost ex nihilo shortly before Joseph's birth. You'll learn about religious practice and education in that place and time. You'll travel to Egypt and encounter the fascinating settlements of Jews in that land. You'll also find out how a carpenter worked in those days: what tools he used, what items he crafted, where he got his training, and how he got to and from his job sites." This book provides an imaginative entry into one of the most important lives in all of history - a life too often obscured by later legends.

Scott Hahn says in his forword - What we discover between the lines is that there were, in the first century bc, two guiding hands in history: there was the providential hand of the Lord God working God's will, and there was the demonic hand of Satan manipulating the mad King Herod. As a result, there were two rival accounts of kingship, two rival ideas of temple-building, and two rival stories of salvation. Joseph was not the only Jew to recognize this dualism, but he was perhaps the most important one. Those who recognized it were forced to make difficult choices-and face terrifying consequences.

Author: Mike Aquilina

Chosen by God for the incomparable vocation of spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster father of Our Lord Jesus Christ; St. Joseph received magnificent divine graces and favors not granted even to the Old Testament Patriarchs. Known as the most humble of men; St. Joseph received from Almighty God the authority to command both Our Lady and the Son of God Himself; and in Heaven he continues to have great intercessory power with God.

The Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph shows how this greatest of the Patriarchs is the patron of all Christians and how wonderfully he answers prayers; plus; it gives many of the ways of honoring him and many prayers to request his intercession.

Author: Fr. Etienne Binet 


 According to the book’s preface, Month of St. Joseph was available in the original French as early as 1872 and perhaps earlier, during the author’s lifetime. This Eucharist-centered devotional booklet has recently been republished and is available along with other Eymard titles at and My 1948 copy refers to its author as “Blessed” Peter Julian Eymard, but Pope John XXIII canonized this saint on Dec. 9, 1962 (a day after his decree adding St. Joseph to the Canon of the Mass had officially gone into effect). St. Peter Julian (1811-1868) is best known for his work in spreading devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, especially through Eucharistic adoration. 

In this book, which provides 31 meditations, one for each day of March, the author shows the important connection between St. Joseph and the Eucharist through his guardianship of Jesus in Nazareth: “Among the graces which Jesus gave his foster-father — and He flooded him with the graces attached to every one of His mysteries — is that special to an adorer of the Blessed Sacrament,” St. Peter Julian writes, encouraging us to take St. Joseph “as the patron and the model of your life of adoration.” It is the perfect book to bring along for Eucharistic adoration this year.

Sources: National Catholic Register

Author: St. Peter Julian Eymard

More will be added in the future. God bless us all!