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Mr. Fix-It Team 

St. Joseph
140 Moody Street
Port Moody, BC V3H 2P9

The Mr. Fix-It Team is made of parishioners who are passionate and desire to maintain, and renew the parishes’ physical infrastructure. Skills within the team vary from plumbing, carpentry, painting, engineering, maintenance, etc. Whenever a project needs to be done, the Mr. Fix-It Team is there!  

If you are interested in helping in the physical maintenance within the parish, please contact the office. 

Parking Line Painting

July,  2022

Noticed our parking lines are freshly painted? Well, here are our awesome parishioners who worked so hard painting the parking lines at our Church. To Fernando, John, Brian and Rome: THANK YOU!

Would you like to participate in the next project and be part of our MR FIX-IT TEAM? Please connect with Parish Office we would love to have you in the team!

New Stairs for our Portable

July 2022

Out with the old and in with the new! Our portable stairs have been freshened up with new lumber, dear friends. A huge thanks to Andrew Stocker (with brothers Diego and Christopher), Rome Saratan, Dennis Kwan, Alex Fantillo, Ernie Alcala, Stephen Camelleri... and - of course - St. Joseph the Carpenter who's always interceding for us!